Sacred Stories 1: Hopi Origin Story
Many Native American peoples share a belief that they emerged from the earth.
Excerpt from Episode 1 of PBS's 4-part series, Native America.
Sacred Stories 2: Haudenosaunee’s Legendary Founding
The Hiawatha wampum belt tells the story of the Haudenosaunee’s legendary founding.
Excerpt from Episode 2 of PBS's 4-part series, Native America.
Sacred Stories 3: Inca Origins
Excerpt from Episode 3 of PBS's 4-part series, Native America.
Sacred Stories 4: A Gift of Corn to the Choctaw
Choctaw traditions link their mounds with their ancestors, corn, and the sky.
Excerpt from Episode 3 of PBS's 4-part series, Native America.
Sacred Stories 5: FireCeremony
The gods gather in Teotihuacan to sacrifice themselves in order to create the world.
Excerpt from Episode 3 of PBS's 4-part series, Native America.
Sacred Stories 6: The Comanche and the Horse
The Comanche adapt the horse as a powerful ally in the fight to protect their way of life.
Excerpt from Episode 2 of PBS's 4-part series, Native America.