In this cyclical fairy tale, a man and a woman are cursed to be forever apart. We never see them inhabit the same space but yet we feel that there's a connection between them. One common element is that they both have the power to transform into animals. But when they do they are compelled to hunt down and destroy the other. They become blind to their passions and are overwhelmed by their instincts.
Technique: Most of the rough animation was prepared in Flash along with the corresponding color fill layers. The drawings were then printed, traced, and cleaned up on paper to achieve a more organic quality. They were then re-scanned and composited in After Effects. Some of the drawings were etched on acetate and rubbed with ink. The backgrounds were a combination of paintings, collages, and photos. The animation was rendered in HD and transfered to 35mm film.
Sundance International Film Festival, UT
Annecy International Animation Festival, France
Hiroshima International Animation Festival, Japan
Ottawa International Animation Festival, Canada
Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, Germany
Big Muddy Film Festival, IL: Best Animation
Fantoche Animation Festival, Switzerland: Special Mention
Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia
Animac International Animation Festival, Spain
Indie Lisboa International Independent Film Festival, Portugal
Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival, Korea
Rhode Island International Film Festival, RI
New England Film Festival, MA
Newport International Film Festival, Rhode Island
Martha’s Vineyard Independent Film Festival, MA
New Haven Underground Film Festival, CT
Castelli Animati International Animation Festival, Italy
Anima Mundi International Animation Festival, Brazil
Norwich International Animation Festival , England
Holland International Animation Festival, Holland
8th International Film Festival, Turkey
Seattle International Film Festival, WA